Love Birds Price In India (Popular Species) In 2022

Love Birds are truly fascinating and can be a great option if you are thinking about them as a pet bird. Do you want the Love Birds in India? Along with other things like If yes, then keep on reading!

Love birds are a species of small parrots native to Africa. The name “love bird” comes from the bird’s habit of sitting close to its mate and preening each other. Love birds are very social creatures and enjoy being around other birds.

They are known for their playful nature and their ability to mimic human speech.

Love Birds Price In India

A pair of love birds in India costs as low as Rs.1,000 in some areas and can go as high as Rs.24,000, depending upon their species and color. It would cost approximately Rs.1,200 for a pair of Rosy Peach-faced lovebirds, and approximately Rs.24,000 for a pair of Violet Par blue Opaline lovebirds.

Love Birds Price In Delhi

The price of love birds in Delhi typically ranges from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 2000, but sometimes it can go even to Rs. 3000.

Lovebirds Price In Kerala

A love bird in Kerala costs between Rs. 1300 and Rs. 2700 depending on where you live.

Love Birds Price In Mumbai

In Mumbai, love birds cost between Rs. 1,500 to Rs. 3,000. As Mumbai is one of the most expensive cities In India, the prices of pets, generally birds, are usually much higher than in other cities in India.

Lovebird Price In Kolkata

The price of a love bird in Kolkata ranges from 1200 to 2400 rupees.

Love Birds Price In Chennai

In Chennai, the cost of a lovebird ranges from 1300 to 2300 rupees.

Love Birds Pair Cost In India (Popular Species)

Love Birds Price in India (Pair)Cost
Rosy Opaline Love Birds (Pair)Rs.1,500 to Rs. 2,500
Lutino Peach Face Love Birds (Pair)Rs. 2,100 to Rs. 2,500
Rosy Peach Face Love Birds (Pair)Rs.1,200 to Rs.1,600
Lutino Opaline Hood Love Birds (Pair)Rs. 2,500 to Rs. 3,300
Green Orange Peach Faced Love Birds (Pair)Rs.1,400 to Rs.1,800
Dhani Love Birds (Pair)Rs. 2,100 to Rs. 2,900
Mauve Mask Love Birds (Pair)Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 5,500
Violet Parblue Opaline Love Birds (Pair)Rs. 17,000 to Rs. 25,000
Blue Mask Love Birds (Pair)Rs. 3,200 to Rs. 3,700

Love Birds Behavior & Personality

Love Birds Together

If you want a pair of love birds, then make sure to get them as a young pair because that is when their strongest bond will form. Love birds typically mate for life, and if one bird dies, the other usually soon follows. It’s not uncommon for a love bird to pine away and die from a broken heart.

Lovebirds are known for their strong bonds with their mates and are one of the few bird species that mate for life. Lovebirds are also known for being very affectionate and loving towards their human companions.

When it comes to personality, love birds can be very different from one another. Some love birds are very shy while others are very outgoing. Some love birds are very cuddly while others prefer to keep their distance. It really just depends on the individual bird.

While love birds can be affectionate with their mates, they can also be very territorial. They will often become aggressive with other birds, even of their own species. If you have other birds in your home, then make sure to keep an eye on the love birds so that they don’t harm others.

Lovebirds are generally active and playful birds that enjoy spending time with their mates. They are also known for being quite vocal, and their calls can often be heard long before they are seen. Lovebirds are typically quiet when kept as pets, but they may occasionally squawk when they are excited or scared.

Although they are not the easiest birds to train, lovebirds can be taught to do simple tricks and behaviors. With patience and positive reinforcement, lovebirds can be taught to perch on your finger, step up onto your hand, and even fly to you when called.

Lovebirds make great companions for those who are looking for an affectionate and loving pet bird. They are relatively easy to care for and can live for up to 15 years with proper care. If you are considering adding a lovebird to your family, be sure to do your research to ensure that this is the right pet for you.

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Love birds are usually between 4 and 6 inches in length and have a wingspan of about 8 inches. They are mostly green in color, with some yellow and blue plumage. The head and beak are usually a darker color than the body. Male and female love birds look very similar, but the males usually have a brighter plumage.

Love Birds Care & Feeding

Love Birds

When considering a love bird as a pet, it is important to be aware that they require a fair amount of care and attention. Love birds are very active and need plenty of space to fly and play. A cage that is at least 18 inches square is required, and it should be placed in an area of the home that is not too noisy or drafty. Love birds also require a diet that is high in vitamin A, so a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables is necessary. In addition, love birds need to have access to fresh water at all times.

Love birds are generally very healthy, but there are a few health conditions to be aware of. One is psittacine beak and feather disease, which is a viral disease that can cause a love bird’s feathers to fall out.

Overall, love birds make excellent pets for those who are willing to provide them with the care and attention they need. They are active and playful, and their affectionate nature can make them a joy to have around. If you are considering a love bird as a pet, be sure to do your research to ensure that you are prepared to provide them with the care they need.

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Popular Love birds in India

There are nine different species of lovebirds, all of which are brightly colored and known for their affectionate nature. Lovebirds are popular pets, and their social nature means they do best when kept in pairs.

Fischer, Peach-faced, and Masked Lovebirds are the most common species of lovebird in India. Fischer’s lovebirds are green with yellowish-orange breasts and belly, and black head with white cheeks. They are named for German zoologist Gustav Fischer.

Are Lovebirds Friendly?

Green Love Birds Pair

Love Birds Are Indeed Friendly!

Sure, love birds can be nippy with each other. But that’s just their way of showing affection. When it comes to humans, love birds are actually quite friendly!

These little parrots are known for their devoted nature. In the wild, they form lifelong bonds with their mates. This bond is so strong that if one bird dies, the other will often follow suit shortly thereafter.

This same level of devotion can be seen in captive love birds. They often become attached to their human caretakers and enjoy spending time with them.

So, if you’re looking for a friendly bird to add to your family, a love bird just might be a perfect choice!

The Bottom Line!

Now that you know the Love Birds Price In India, I have a few final words to share with you

If you decide to buy one love bird, you should buy a male as they are known to be more affectionate. A single lovebird can get lonely, so make sure to give it plenty of attention.

Love birds are very social creatures and love to be around their flock, whether that’s another bird or their human family. They are known to be very affectionate and loving, often nibbling on their human fingers as a sign of affection. They also love to cuddle and will often snuggle up close to their mate.

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