Cockatoo Price in India (2022)

For most people who want to be a new bird pet owner, a Cockatoo is a good option.

If you want to know about the Cockatoo Price in India along with other details like their behavior, appearance, type, etc. then keep on reading!

Cockatoos are native to Australasia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and New Guinea. In Australia, they are found across the continent, including Tasmania and some offshore islands. In New Guinea, they are found in the mountains. Cockatoos are also found on a few small Indonesian islands, including the Kai Islands and the Tanimbar Islands.

A cockatoo is a white bird with a long, curved beak and a crest of feathers on its head. Cockatoos are native to Australia and Indonesia. There are 21 species of cockatoo. The most common pet cockatoo in captivity is the sulfur-crested cockatoo.

Cockatoo Price In India

Cockatoos in India can cost anywhere from Rs.1,50,000 to Rs.20,00,000, depending on your location and the type of cockatoo you want.

The price of cockatoos in various parts of India


The price of Cockatoos in Bangalore ranges from Rs.1,30,000 to Rs.19,00,000.


The Cockatoo price in Mumbai ranges from Rs. 1,80,000 to Rs. 20,00,000. As Mumbai is a costly city, the prices of birds are usually higher.


The price of a Cockatoo in Bangalore can range from Rs. 2,00,000 and can go up to Rs.18,00,000.

Cockatoo Personality And Behaviour

Cockatoo bird

The cockatoo is a very social bird that loves to be around people. They are very affectionate and love to be touched. They are also very playful and love to play with their toys. Cockatoos are very intelligent birds and can learn tricks and commands. They are also very good at imitating sounds.

Cockatoos are very protective of their owners and can become very jealous if they feel that someone is trying to take their place. They can also become very attached to one person and will bond with them for life.

Cockatoo Birds are known for their loud screeching. They do this to communicate with other birds and to express their emotions. Cockatoos can also be very noisy when they are bored or frustrated.

Cockatoos are very social creatures and love to be around people. They should have at least one hour of out-of-cage time each day. During this time, they can play with their toys, explore their environment, and interact with their human companion.

As these are very active birds they need a lot of space to move around. They also need to have plenty of toys and activities to keep them entertained. Cockatoos can become bored easily and will start to pluck their feathers if they are not stimulated enough.

Cockatoos are very social birds and need to be around other birds or people. They are not suited to be kept as a single bird. Cockatoos need to have a mate or they will become very lonely and depressed.

These are very sensitive birds and can get scared easily. They need to be handled gently and with patience. Cockatoos can also be nippy if they are scared or feeling threatened.

Cockatoos are very beautiful birds and are loved by many people. They make great pets for people who are willing to provide them with the care and attention they need.

Being very intelligent birds. They can learn to talk and mimic human speech.

Also Read: African Grey Parrot Price

Cockatoo Care And Feeding


A cockatoo is a parrot belonging to the bird family Cacatuidae, the only family in the superfamily Cacatuoidea. Along with the other members of the genus Cacatua, they make up the subfamily Cacatuinae. 

The diet of a cockatoo is mainly made up of seeds, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Cockatoos in captivity should be given a diet that is similar to their natural diet.

A cockatoo needs a lot of space to exercise and should have a large cage or aviary. The minimum size cage for a cockatoo should be 1.8 m (6 ft) long, 1.2 m (4 ft) wide, and 2.1 m (7 ft) high.

They are also known for their love of chewing and will chew on anything they can get their beaks on, including furniture, wooden beams, power cables, and even metal bars. To prevent your cockatoo from damaging your home, provide it with plenty of chew toys.

Cockatoos are generally easy to care for and make great pets. However, they do require a lot of attention and interaction with their owners. If you are considering getting a cockatoo, make sure you are prepared to give it the time and attention it needs.

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Appearance and Lifespan of Cockatoo

Cockatoos are medium to large parrots with distinctive crests on their heads. The majority of species are predominantly white, black, or grey, and some have more than one color in their plumage. On average, a cockatoo measures around 35–50 cm (14–20 in) in length and weighs between 300 and 600 grams (11 and 21 oz).

The cockatoo’s lifespan is generally quite long, with many species living for 20–80 years in captivity, although the maximum recorded lifespan for a cockatoo is 92 years.

Cockatoos are intelligent birds and can be trained to perform tricks and tasks. They are also known for their ability to mimic human speech.

Cockatoos are social birds and live in pairs or small flocks in the wild. They are also known for their loud calls, which can be heard from up to 2 km (1.2 mi) away.

Types of Cockatoo

Cockatoo types

There are 24 species of cockatoo and these are –

  1. Umbrella cockatoo
  2. Solomons cockatoo
  3. Mathews’ cockatoo
  4. Triton Cockatoo
  5. Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo
  6. Goffins cockatoo or Goffini cockatoo
  7. Red-Vented Cockatoo
  8. Black Palm Cockatoo
  9. Glossy Black Cockatoo
  10. Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo
  11. Short-Billed Black Cockatoo
  12. Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
  13. Eleonora cockatoo
  14. Moluccan Cockatoo
  15. Galah cockatoo
  16. Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo
  17. Blue-Eyed Cockatoo
  18. Little Corella
  19. Lesser Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
  20. Citron Crested Cockatoo
  21. Long-Billed Corella
  22. Gang-Gang cockatoo
  23. Long Billed-Black cockatoo
  24. Palm cockatoo

Cockatoo As a Pet India

One of the most popular pet birds in India is the cockatoo.

The cost of a cockatoo in India can vary depending on the type of cockatoo and where you purchase it from.

There are many different types of cockatoos available in India, some of the most popular being the Sulphur-crested cockatoo, the Black cockatoo, the White cockatoo, and the Rose-breasted cockatoo.

When purchasing a cockatoo, it is important to ensure that you buy from a reputable breeder or pet store. 

Overall, cockatoos make great pets for those who are prepared to give them the time and attention they need. They are beautiful birds that can be very affectionate and make great companions.

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Cockatoo Price: Summary 

Now that you know the how much Cockatoo cost, I have a few final words to share with you

Cockatoos can be very noisy birds and can be quite destructive, so it is important to make sure that you are prepared for this before you purchase one.

Cockatoos are popular pets, but their loud calls and need for social interaction mean they are not suitable for everyone. Cockatoos require a lot of attention and care and can become bored and destructive if left alone for too long. If you are considering getting a cockatoo, make sure you are prepared to give it the time and attention it needs.

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